Visibility is an attribute of an object.
After several tries and researches, I have not managed to get visibility event from Pane. The below sample seems to …
events properties javafx-2 visibility paneI've seen some C# code that declares a class with an internal modifier, with a public constructor: internal class SomeClass { …
c# .net visibility internalI'm getting these two warnings (with GCC 4.2 on MacOSX): /Users/az/Programmierung/openlierox/build/Xcode/../../src/main.cpp:154:0 /Users/az/…
c++ gcc visibility warnings gcc-warningI load in onCreate() and ImageView by findViewById(). The ImageView is set as INVISIBLE from XML and it should become …
android imageview visibility findviewbyidI am working in a GUI in MATLAB and I use tabs to organize the information. As the tabs are …
matlab user-interface tabs visibility matlab-guideI am using a static library (eg: boost.a) and some *.o files to create a dynamic library (Eg: libdynamic.…
macos gcc shared-libraries visibility dylibI need to know whether the Windows taskbar is hidden or not. I believe there is no .NET method to …
c# .net winapi visibility taskbarCurrently I have a set of markers and I cluster them like this: var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, cm_mapMarkers); …
google-maps-api-3 visibility markerclustererWe often use volatile to ensure that a condition variable can be visible to every Thread. I see the volatile …
java caching jvm visibility volatileIn a short method, I hide a JFrame using setVisible(false). Then I take a screenshot and restore the JFrame …
java swing transparency visibility repaint