Top "Visibility" questions

Visibility is an attribute of an object.

Using jQuery to select items that have style "visibility:visible" or "visibility:hidden" NOT "display: none"

How do you select only visible elements using jQuery? jQuery selectors :visible and :hidden only respects display:none as really …

jquery css jquery-selectors visibility
C#/WPF: Make a GridViewColumn Visible=false?

Does anyone know if there is an option to hide a GridViewColumn somehow like this: <ListView.View> <…

c# wpf listview visibility gridviewcolumn
Default visibility of class methods in PHP

I looked at the manual, but I can't seem to find the answer. What is the default visibility in PHP …

php oop visibility
Android: How to hide a ListView Item

How can you hide an item in a ListView or at least set its height to zero? I have tried …

android listview visibility listviewitem
iOS equivalent for Android View.GONE visibility mode

I'm developing an app for iOS and I'm using the Storyboard with AutoLayout ON. One of my view controllers has …

iphone ios interface-builder visibility autolayout
What is DOM reflow?

I was reading about the difference between two CSS properties display:none and visibility:hidden and encountered the DOM reflow …

html css dom visibility reflow
Aren't Java constructors public by default?

I have two classes in two different packages. For one class I've defined a constructor without setting access modifier for …

java constructor visibility
Expose a private Objective-C method or property to subclasses

According to some official talk, a class in Objective-C should only expose public methods and properties in its header: @interface …

objective-c inheritance subclass visibility declared-property
SSRS 2005 -Set Visibility based on dataset rowcount

I have a line and a table in my report that I want to hide if my dataset has no …

reportingservices-2005 visibility reporting-services
Programmatically set google map fragment visibility (API2)

xml: <fragment xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/mapFragment" android:layout_width="match_…

android google-maps android-fragments visibility