Top "Taskbar" questions

For programming questions about the application switcher and launcher on Windows (or other operating systems copying its desktop environment), usually docked to the bottom of the screen.

How to display a Windows Form in full screen on top of the taskbar?

I have a .net windows application that needs to run in full screen. When the application starts however the taskbar …

c# .net winforms fullscreen taskbar
Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7)

I wan't to customize the icon displayed within the windows 7 taskbar. When my app is running, I can do it …

c# .net windows-7 icons taskbar
Win32: full-screen and hiding taskbar

I have a window, which I SetWindowPos(window, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), SWP_FRAMECHANGED); It covers …

winapi fullscreen taskbar
Setting the Windows taskbar icon in PyQt

I'm working on an applcation in Python's PyQt4 and cannot find how to change the taskbar icon. I made my .…

python windows pyqt icons taskbar
C# - Changing the icon of the taskbar

I want to change the icon on the taskbar of my software, so I changed the project settings. This path …

c# winforms icons taskbar
How can I hide my application's form in the Windows Taskbar?

How can I hide the name of my application in the Windows Taskbar, even when it is visible? Currently, I …

c# .net winforms taskbar
How to hide a JFrame in system tray of taskbar

I'd created a JFrame and want to hide in taskbar (in windows not visible right in the bottom but hidden …

java windows jframe taskbar minimize
How to pin to taskbar using PowerShell

How can I pin some programs to taskbar on Windows 7 using PowerShell? Please explain step-by-step. And How to modify the …

powershell windows-7 taskbar
Use PowerShell to unpin Taskbar shortcut depending on shortcut Target Path

Having an issue with some PowerShell. Basically I am trying to remove certain Taskbar shortcuts based on the shortcuts path/…

windows powershell taskbar shortcuts pins
How can I disable the Start button (but not the Taskbar) on Windows 7?

On Windows XP, it was possible to disable the Start button with the following code: hTray = FindWindow (TEXT("Shell_TrayWnd"), …

c winapi windows-7 startmenu taskbar