I want to make power function using vhdl where the power is floating number and the number is integer (will be always "2").
2^ some floating number.
I use ieee library and (fixed_float_types.all, fixed_pkg.all, and float_pkg.all).
I thought of calculating all the possible outputs and save them in ROM, but i don't know the ranges of the power.
How to implement this function and if there is any implemented function like this where to find it?
For simulation, you will find suitable power functions in the IEEE.math_real library
library IEEE;
use IEEE.math_real.all;
X <= 2 ** Y;
X <= 2.0 ** Y;
This is probably not synthesisable. If I needed a similar operation for synthesis, I would use a lookup table of values, slopes and second derivatives, and a quadratic interpolator. I have used this approach for reciprocal and square root functions to single precision accuracy; 2**n over a reasonable range of n is smooth enough that the same approach should work.