Top "Vertices" questions

A vertex (plural: vertices) has a slightly different meaning depending on context.

three js vertices does not update

I'm using three.js r67, and vertices does not seem to be updated. I set geometry.dynamic = true, geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = …

dynamic three.js geometry vertices
Use of Vertex Array Objects and Vertex Buffer Objects

I am trying to understand these two, how to use them and how they are related. Let's say I want …

opengl buffer vbo vertices vao
What is a 3D Vector and how does it differ from a 3D point?

Does a 3D vector differ from a 3D point tuple (x,y,z) in the context of 3D game mathematics? …

math 3d vector vertices
Gremlin: How do you find vertices without a particular edge?

I've been looking at the Gremlin graph language, and it appears very powerful. However, whilst running through what it can …

graph gremlin vertices edges
Cube with triangle strips and vector normals in openGL

I'm trying to create a cube using one series of vertices such as attempted in this example (which I believe …

opengl vertices