Compilation error: A net is not a legal lvalue in this context

Envyh121 picture Envyh121 · Apr 23, 2015 · Viewed 18.1k times · Source

I am a newbie to Verilog and had a problem while defining a if-else loop. The error message is

A net is not a legal lvalue in this context" for all assign statements in the given code.

always @(adbar)  
if (adbar==1'b1)  
    assign Z[0] = m_out[0];  
    assign Z[1] = m_out[1];  
    assign Z[2] = m_out[2];  
    assign Z[3] = X[5];  
    assign Z[4] = X[6];  
    assign Z[5] = X[7];  
    assign Z[6] = m_out[3]; 
    assign Z[7] = m_out[4];  
    assign Z[0] = m_out[0];  
    assign Z[1] = m_out[1];  
    assign Z[2] = m_out[2];  
    assign Z[3] = X[3];  
    assign Z[4] = X[4];  
    assign Z[5] = X[5];   
    assign Z[6] = m_out[3];  
    assign Z[7] = m_out[4];  

The full program is given below. All the modules have been properly defined and I am sure that the error is only in this part.

 module my_decoder (X,adbar, clear, clock, Z);  
 input [7:0] X;  
 input adbar; 
 input clear, clock;  
 output [7:0] Z;  

 wire clear, clock;  
 wire [7:0] Z; 
 wire [4:0] d_out;  
 wire [4:0] x_out;  
 wire [4:0] m_out;  
 wire [4:0] n_out;  
 wire sel1;  
 wire c_out1;  
 wire c_out2;  
 wire c_out3;  

 mux2_gate_1 \dut6[0].l4 (.in1 (x_out[0]), .in2 (n_out[0]), .sel (sel1), .o(m_out[0]));  
 mux2_gate_2 \dut6[1].l4 (.in1 (x_out[1]), .in2 (n_out[1]), .sel (sel1), .o(m_out[1]));  
 mux2_gate_3 \dut6[2].l4 (.in1 (x_out[2]), .in2 (n_out[2]), .sel (sel1), .o(m_out[2]));  
 mux2_gate_4 \dut6[3].l4 (.in1 (x_out[3]), .in2 (n_out[3]), .sel (sel1), .o(m_out[3]));  
 mux2_gate_5 \dut6[4].l4 (.in1 (x_out[4]), .in2 (n_out[4]), .sel (sel1), .o(m_out[4]));  

 always @(adbar)  
 if (adbar==1'b1)  
   assign Z[0] = m_out[0];  
   assign Z[1] = m_out[1];  
   assign Z[2] = m_out[2];  
   assign Z[3] = X[5];  
   assign Z[4] = X[6];  
   assign Z[5] = X[7];  
   assign Z[6] = m_out[3]; 
   assign Z[7] = m_out[4];  
   assign Z[0] = m_out[0];  
   assign Z[1] = m_out[1];  
   assign Z[2] = m_out[2];  
   assign Z[3] = X[3];  
   assign Z[4] = X[4];  
   assign Z[5] = X[5];   
   assign Z[6] = m_out[3];  
   assign Z[7] = m_out[4];  


Qiu picture Qiu · Apr 23, 2015

In Verilog you can model combinational circuits using assign or always. You can't mix them together.

If you want to model using assign, you can replace your always-block with following construct:

assign Z = adbar ? {m_out[4:3], X[7:5], m_out[2:0]} : {m_out[4:3], X[5:3], m_out[2:0]};

If you want to model using always, remove assign keyword from assignments and change Z output type from wire to reg.