Top "User-interface" questions

User Interface (UI) is the system through which people interact with a computer.

How do I pick up the Enter Key being pressed in JavaFX2?

I have a TextField to enter a search term, and a button for "Go". But in JavaFX2, how would I …

java user-interface javafx-2 javafx
How do I implement the UITapGestureRecognizer into my application

I am quite new to programming and Objective C. I was wondering how to make an app which has a …

ios objective-c user-interface uigesturerecognizer uitapgesturerecognizer
How do you control what monitor your application opens on?

As a two-monitor user at work, I've noticed that applications behave differently with regards to what monitor they open on (…

user-interface usability desktop-application multiple-monitors
How to detect swipe direction between left/right and up/down

My Question: How do I detect when a user moves their finger up/down vs left/right (and how do …

android user-interface user-interaction
Accessing UI thread handler from a service

I am trying some thing new on Android for which I need to access the handler of the UI thread. …

android multithreading user-interface service handler
Listen to JFrame resize events as the user drags their mouse?

When a user clicks on the corner of a JFrame to resize and drags the mouse around, the JFrame redraws …

java swing user-interface mouse
How can I add a space in between two buttons in a boxLayout?

I have four buttons in a BoxLayout group. This is just a sample of two because it's all repeated code. …

java swing user-interface jbutton boxlayout
Simple Dropdown menu in Java

I am working on a very simple GUI in Java. In this GUI I want to display: A label with …

java user-interface jbutton jlabel jcombobox
What are good Java date-chooser Swing GUI widgets?

What are good Java Swing date-chooser components? So far I've only really found these 2: JCalendar - this one is pretty …

java user-interface swing widget
Can I add a component to a specific grid cell when a GridLayout is used?

When I set the GridLayout to the JPanel and then add something, it is added subsequently in the "text order" (…

java user-interface swing layout jpanel