Top "User-interface" questions

User Interface (UI) is the system through which people interact with a computer.

jQuery Ui Dialog Buttons, How to add class?

I found this answer on another thread.. How to add multiple buttons in Jquery UI dialog box? Using this syntax, …

jquery jquery-ui user-interface dialog jquery-ui-dialog
Animate ProgressBar update in Android

I am using a ProgressBar in my application which I update in onProgressUpdate of an AsyncTask. So far so good. …

android animation user-interface progress-bar
Using Multiple Storyboards in iOS

My objective is to create a tabbed application, then the view for each of the tabs are constructed in separate …

ios user-interface ios5 xcode4.2 uistoryboard
Nice IDE with GUI designer for wxPython or Tkinter

I have a little experience developing small command-line applications with Python. I want to move on to developing GUIs with …

python user-interface ide wxpython tkinter
How can I unit test a GUI?

The calculations in my code are well-tested, but because there is so much GUI code, my overall code coverage is …

unit-testing user-interface code-coverage
Python code to automate desktop activities in windows

I want to automate desktop activities in Windows environment using Python. How it can be done? Some examples will also …

python windows user-interface ui-automation
What's dp (density independent pixels) units with CSS?

For Android, people recommend using dp (density independent pixels) measurements for UI elements, and there are conventions that exist such …

android css web-applications user-interface screen
Use object array list as spinner adapter

I got this ArrayList of objects, and i need to set it as my spinner's adapter like this: ArrayList<…

android user-interface drop-down-menu spinner
How do I enter RGB values into Interface Builder?

How can I enter RGB or Hex color values for backgrounds in Interface Builder? I can select predefined colors but …

iphone cocoa-touch xcode user-interface interface-builder
HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added?

I have a HorizontalScrollView containing a LinearLayout. On screen I have a Button that will add new Views to the …

android user-interface horizontal-scrolling