Top "User-controls" questions

A UserControl is a separate, reusable input control that allows a user to interact with an application.

Register javascript inside User Control using C#

I want to call javascript function from User Control using C#. For that i am trying to use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(…

c# javascript user-controls scriptmanager dynamically added user control saving values after postback

Here's my issue. I have a usercontrol that I want to allow users to add as many instances of as …

c# user-controls dynamically-generated
Binding to UserControl DependencyProperty

I have created a UserControl with some DependencyProperties (in the example here only one string property). When I instantiate the …

c# wpf binding user-controls dependency-properties
ASP.Net - Naming Containers and ClientIDMode="Static"

MSDN documentation states with regard to the ClientIdMode: Static The ClientID value is set to the value of the ID … c#-4.0 user-controls naming-containers
User Control Property Designer Properties

For a C# UserControl on Windows Mobile (though please answer if you know it for full might work) …

c# user-controls windows-mobile
Caching a user control in ASP.NET?

I have created a user control in my application "header.ascx", I am pasing a selectedMenu attribute to this control …

c# caching user-controls
How to use a ContentPresenter inside a UserControl

I'd like to create a UserControl (in this case a square-Button with defined Backgroundcolors) which can host it's own content. …

c# wpf xaml user-controls contentpresenter
How to wire up a click event for a custom usercontrol button? Should I use CustomControl?

I wanted to create a button that had an image and a textblock as content. So I went about looking …

wpf user-controls custom-controls mouseevent
SizeToContent on UserControl

In fact the UserControl lacks the property 'SizeToContent' that we have in Window. So the question is: what's the easiest …

c# wpf user-controls sizetocontent
Visual studio 2012 XAML designer invalid markup

I've got a project that contains usercontrols. For some reason, the design view for the window which uses the said …

wpf xaml user-controls visual-studio-2012 designer