A UserControl is a separate, reusable input control that allows a user to interact with an application.
All in WPF: Developing a wizard application, user has to answer a number of simple questions before brought to the …
c# wpf user-controls wizardI have designed a reuseable usercontrol. It contains UserControl.InputBindings. It is quite simple as it only contains a label …
wpf mvvm user-controls .net-4.5 inputbindingI have written a UserControl that behaves like a ContainerControl, but is totally painted by WindowsForms (I inherit from UserControl) …
c# .net winforms user-controls paintI must be missing something really obvious. I'm quite new to C# but have been programming in C/C++ for …
c# collections user-controls properties serializableI am trying to create a user control within a WPF application that will serve as a DataTemplate for a …
wpf user-controls wpf-controls datatemplateI have a control with a inner TextBox. I want to make a direct relationship between the Text property of …
c# winforms user-controlsWhen working on ASP.NET 1.1 projects I always used the Global.asax to catch all errors. I'm looking for a …
winforms error-handling user-controlsHi. I have a UserControl which contains a textbox. I wanted to access the textchanged event of the textbox but …
c# winforms user-controls childcontrolI created a Dependency Property in the usercontrol, but however changes in the usercontrol was NOT notified to the Viewmodel …
c# wpf user-controls dependency-propertiesI have a UserControl which uses a UserControl, among other controls. In the ascx file I have the following code: &…
c# asp.net .net user-controls