Top "Urlparse" questions

urlparse is used for parsing a URL into components like (addressing scheme, network location, path etc.

How can I import urlparse in python-3?

I would like to use urlparse. But python3.4.1 is not finding the module. I do import urlparse, but it gives …

python python-3.x import importerror urlparse
Best way to get query string from a URL in python?

I need to get the query string from this URL and I …

python django comparison urlencode urlparse
No module named 'urlparse' but I'm not using urlparse

I'm trying to figure out why I am seeing a error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urlparse' but I never call …

python-3.x flask urlparse
Python urlparse -- extract domain name without subdomain

Need a way to extract a domain name without the subdomain from a url using Python urlparse. For example, I …

python parsing url urlparse
How do I remove a query string from URL using Python

Example: After removing "q2", it will …

python http cgi urlparse
How can I check whether a URL is valid using `urlparse`?

I want to check whether a URL is valid, before I open it to read data. I was using the …

python urllib2 url-parsing urlparse
Find http:// and or www. and strip from domain. leaving

I'm quite new to python. I'm trying to parse a file of URLs to leave only the domain name. some …

python url urlparse
Python script to see if a web page exists without downloading the whole page?

I'm trying to write a script to test for the existence of a web page, would be nice if it …

python httplib urlparse
Parse query part from url

I want to parse query part from url, this is my code to do this: >>> from urlparse …

python urlparse
Parse custom URIs with urlparse (Python)

My application creates custom URIs (or URLs?) to identify objects and resolve them. The problem is that Python's urlparse module …

python url python-2.6 urlparse