Top "Urldecode" questions

urldecode reverses replacements by urlencode(), which is used to prepare a string for use in a URL by replacing invalid characters such as /, +, ', % etc.

Url decode UTF-8 in Python

I have spent plenty of time as far as I am newbie in Python. How could I ever decode such …

python encoding utf-8 urldecode
JavaScript URL Decode function

What's the best JavaScript URL decode utility? Encoding would be nice too and working well with jQuery is an added …

javascript jquery urlencode urldecode
How do I decode a URL parameter using C#?

How can I decode an encoded URL parameter using C#? For example, take this URL: my.aspx?val=%2Fxyz2F

c# url urldecode
How do I decode a string with escaped unicode?

I'm not sure what this is called so I'm having trouble searching for it. How can I decode a string …

javascript decode urldecode
Encode/Decode URLs in C++

Does anyone know of any good C++ code that does this?

c++ urlencode urldecode percent-encoding
URL Decoding in PHP

I am trying to decode this URL string using PHP's urldecode function: urldecode("Ant%C3%B4nio+Carlos+Jobim"); This …

php url utf-8 urldecode
How to decode URL-encoded string in shell?

I have a file with a list of user-agents which are encoded. E.g.: Mozilla%2F5.0%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20…

bash shell awk sed urldecode
Javascript equivalent to php's urldecode()

I wrote a custom xml parser and its locking up on special characters. So naturally I urlencoded them into my …

javascript urldecode
Why is this %2B string being urldecoded?

[This may not be precisely a programming question, but it's a puzzle that may best be answered by programmers. I …

html email url urldecode
MySQL SELECT with URL Decode

Is there a way to perform a MySQL query and have one of the columns in the output directly urldecode, …

mysql urldecode