Top "Unlock" questions

When a device is locked, it needs to be "reactivated" in order to use it.

How to force delete a file?

This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, …

windows batch-file unlock
MS Access Database locked by Unknown user

I have an access database that is on a network drive that multiple users can access. The database corrupted this …

ms-access unlock
run command/script when lock/unlock windows station?

I have Windows 7 pro at work. My problem is I keep on forgetting to clock in/clock out (using the …

windows scripting command locking unlock
Android fastboot oem unlocking

So I have got my phone in the bootloader and I want to unlock it so I type fastboot oem …

android unlock fastboot
How can I detect screen lock/unlock events on the iPhone?

How can I detect screen lock/unlock events on the iPhone? When the user unlocks it, I want to show …

ios objective-c events unlock
How to unlock a tomcat user?

I am using Tomcat 7.0 and a user i defined at tomcat-users.xml is locked. I saw warnings at catalina.out …

tomcat locked unlock realm
Android -- What happens when device is unlocked?

I am trying to understand the intents that get launched when the device is unlocked. For eg: Say my activity …

android action android-intent categories unlock
How to detect if PIN/password/pattern is required to unlock phone?

How can I detect if the phone is locked by a password, pin or pattern? thank you!

android locking unlock
Unlock the Screen Programmatically

I have a share button in the GCM notification. On click of the share button, I need to launch share …

android android-intent unlock keyguard android-powermanager
tfs: how to unlock changes

I originally edited a file, which did a checkout. I received a new computer, and now I want to edit …

tfs unlock