MS Access Database locked by Unknown user

Taryn picture Taryn · May 24, 2011 · Viewed 63.9k times · Source

I have an access database that is on a network drive that multiple users can access. The database corrupted this morning and I am in the process of trying to fix it. The problem I am having is when I attempt to rename the database it says it is currently in use by someone. There is no .ldb file associated with this file so at this point and am dead in the water because I can't rename it, compact it or anything.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



Alex picture Alex · May 24, 2011

Copy the database to another location. The copy wont be locked. Then you can work in ways to save your work until you solve the lock problem in the original file. If your problem is due to VB code file corruption, try to open the database with the "/decompile" option:


"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msaccess.exe" "C:\example.mdb" /decompile

If you haven't any ldb file associated with the mdb, it will be difficult to discover what user is locking your database. If you have few users, you should restart their machines. It would be prehistoric but should be fastest than trying to unlock the file through other ways.