run command/script when lock/unlock windows station?

Tam N. picture Tam N. · Dec 2, 2009 · Viewed 41.8k times · Source

I have Windows 7 pro at work. My problem is I keep on forgetting to clock in/clock out (using the intranet timesheet system). Is there a way to run a script or command to automatically open the timesheet page each time I lock/unlock my station?


John Weldon picture John Weldon · Dec 2, 2009

Yes, windows 7 task scheduler allows a dizzying array of new ways to schedule tasks:

One is on log on, and another is on event which could be a security event for locking the workstation.

Administrative Tools --> Task Scheduler
    - Create Task 
    --> Triggers Tab 
    --> New Button 
    --> Begin Task drop down box... 
