Top "Unity3d" questions

Unity is a cross-platform game engine by Unity Technologies.

Match Canvas with Main Camera - Unity

I want to use the Canvas and UI Text to constantly show the score of my game on the top …

unity3d uilabel
What's a good global exception handling strategy for Unity3D?

I'm looking into doing some Unity3D scripting stuff, and I'd like to set up global exception handling system. This …

c# unity3d
How to create a line using two Vector3 points in unity?

I know there exist some functions like lineRenderer etc, but I want to create a straight line in the scene …

unity3d line points
Check for internet connectivity from Unity

I have a Unity project which I build for Android and iOS platforms. I want to check for internet connectivity …

c# android ios unity3d internet-connection
How can I change the default particle in Unity 3D?

Say I want to create a field of objects using Unity's particle system, except I want to use my own …

c# unity3d unity5 particle-system
Building a simple online game server for Unity

I'm trying to build an online game server for my Tank game 2D (Unity). In my game there will be 2…

unity3d game-engine multiplayer
How to write a GUI editor for Graph or Tree structures

Unity3D's Mecanim animations system has a custom EditorWindow that allows to define a tree (a blend tree in this …

c# unity3d
Unity Zxing QR code scanner integration

I need to integrate Zxing with vuforia to make a QR code scanning app in Unity? I have no idea …

unity3d zxing qr-code barcode-scanner vuforia
Unity singleton manager classes

In Unity, whats a good way to create a singleton game manager that can be accessed everywhere as a global …

c# design-patterns unity3d singleton
A method for making HTTP requests on Unity iOS?

I need to send HTTP requests with all the standard RESTful methods and access to the body of the request …

c# ios multithreading http unity3d