Top "Uitextfield" questions

A UITextField object is a control that displays editable text and sends an action message to a target object when the user presses the return button.

Prevent editing of text in UITextField and hide cursor/caret/magnifying glass while using an inputView

How do I prevent the editing of text in a UITextField along with hiding the cursor/caret/magnifying glass, but …

ios objective-c uitextfield inputview
Warning about assigning to id<UITextFieldDelegate> when I'm conforming to the protocol

My view controller is conforming to UITextFieldDelegate, yet when I try and set the .delegate field of my text field …

ios objective-c uitextfield uitextfielddelegate
how can I dismiss keyboard when I will just touch anywhere except UITextField?

Hello I have two UITextFields in my application, and want to dismiss the keyboard when I just touch anywhere except …

iphone keyboard uitextfield numeric-keypad
Trying to capitalize the first letter of each word in a text field Using Swift

I'm trying to capitalize the first letter of each word I put into a text field. I would like to …

ios string swift uitextfield capitalization
swift not updating textfield.text using UIDatePicker

In swift, I have a textField programmatically declared. override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() textField3.delegate = self textField3.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyType.Next; …

ios swift uitextfield uidatepicker
retrieving integer value from the UITextField into a NSInteger variable

UITextField *textField; NSInteger intRollNumber; I want to take rollNumber as input from the textField and store the value into intRollNumber . …

objective-c iphone uitextfield nsinteger
Enable UIAlertAction of UIAlertController only after input

I am using a UIAlertController to present a dialog with a UITextField and one UIAlertAction button labeled "Ok". How do …

ios objective-c uitextfield uialertcontroller
Why UITextField becomeFirstResponder returns NO?

This is my code: while (true) { if ([identificationField becomeFirstResponder]) { NSLog(@"finally!"); break; } else{ if ([identificationField canBecomeFirstResponder]) { NSLog(@"can"); } else{ NSLog(@"…

ios objective-c uitextfield becomefirstresponder
Using same UITextFieldDelegate methods in custom UIView and in UIViewController simultaneously

I have an UIView (named HCTextFieldView) with subviews: UITextField and UILabel above. UITextField's delegate is equal to self. Delegate methods …

ios uitextfield appdelegate uitextfielddelegate
Trying to format a UITextField to behave like a currency calculator for only numeric input in iOS

I have a UITextField in my application that is supposed to receive only numeric input from the user. This numeric …

ios uitextfield currency nsnumberformatter