Top "Uitextfield" questions

A UITextField object is a control that displays editable text and sends an action message to a target object when the user presses the return button.

iOS Swift Pass Closure as Property?

Let's say I have a custom UIView, lets call it MyCustomView. Inside this view is a UITextField property. Suppose my …

ios uitextfield closures swift uitextfielddelegate
Text in UITextField moves up after editing (center while editing)

I have a strange problem. I have an UITextField in which the user should write the amount of something, so …

iphone objective-c ios xcode uitextfield
How to set letter spacing of UITextField

I have an app in which the user has to type a four digit pin code. All digits have to …

ios objective-c swift uitextfield
Is there a way to prevent the keyboard from dismissing?

I realize that this is the inverse of most posts, but I would like for the keyboard to remain up …

iphone ios ipad uitextfield uikeyboard
how to change height cell in uitableview without reload data

I use UITableView and I want change the height of different cells. But I don't want use reload data for …

uitableview uitextfield reloaddata
How to get UITableViewCell's index from its edited UITextField

I'm working on an iPhone based BI project. I have a UITextField in a UITextViewCell, the UITextFieldDelegate points to my …

iphone uitableview uitextfield uitextfielddelegate
Change the font size and font style of UISearchBar iOS 7

How can I change the font size and font style of UISearchBar in iOS 7? UITextField *textField = [[searchBar subviews] objectAtIndex:1]; [textField …

objective-c uitextfield ios7 uisearchbar
Why is becomeFirstResponder not working?

I added a modal using AGWindowView. Inside the modal view (built using IB), there is a textfield. The textfield has …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uitextfield first-responder
enabling the "return button" in a UITextField keyboard (objective-c/iphone)

When I start editing a UITextField, I have the "Clear When Editing Begins" option checked so it starts off with …

iphone objective-c uitextfield uikeyboard
How do I add a date of birth UIDatePicker to UITextField?

I request the users date of birth on the sign up screen of my application. I can't figure out how …

ios objective-c uitextfield date-of-birth