Top "Uitextfield" questions

A UITextField object is a control that displays editable text and sends an action message to a target object when the user presses the return button.

UITextField and Keyboard Notifications - strange order

So I've set up a notification for the keyboard appearance event. Now let us consider a UITextView and a UITextField. [[…

ios iphone uitextfield uitextview uikeyboard
UITextPosition to Int

I have a UISearchBar on which I am trying to set a cursor position. I am using UITectField delegates as …

ios objective-c uitextfield int uitextposition
Dismissing the First Responder/Keyboard with multiple Textfields

Like seriously after going through this... Easy way to dismiss keyboard? ... I have multiple TextFields and a few TextViews. Is …

ios objective-c iphone uitextfield first-responder
UITextField inputView is not working in Swift

I am trying to set inputView & inputAccessoryView for UITextField. But, as I start tap on textField only inputAccessoryView is …

ios swift uitextfield inputview
Make a UIButton inactive if no text is entered in a TextField in Swift

So my concept is simple, I have a textfield and a button labelled 'Next'. I would like the Next button …

ios swift uibutton uitextfield is-empty
How do I identify which textField triggered textFieldDidEndEditing on dynamically created UITableCell containing 2 uiTextFields?

I am on iOS 6 xcode 4.6.2 using storyboards. I am using a dynamic UITableView which consists of a number of cells …

ios uitextfield uitextfielddelegate
UITextField text jumps

I have ViewController with 2 UITextField elements: Login and Password. I set delegate for these fields, which includes code below: func …

ios swift uitextfield
How to add a "Done" button with in the DatePicker Through StoryBoard?

In my app i want to display UIDatePicker when user click on button.and that date save into UITextFiled.I …

objective-c uitextfield uidatepicker
ios UITextField to edit with uidatepicker

I have a uitextfield where is written a date.. how can I show on the bottom of the page a …

ios uiviewcontroller uitextfield editing uidatepicker