Top "Uinavigationcontroller" questions

The UINavigationController class implements a specialized iOS view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content.

Hide Navigation Controller Back Button iOS 7

I have tried to hide the back button in my navigation controller by adding the following lines to my viewDidLoad …

ios uinavigationcontroller ios7 back-button
How to prevent status bar from overlapping content with hidesBarsOnSwipe set on UINavigationController?

I'm trying to use the new feature added in iOS 8 - hiding the navigation bar while user is scrolling the …

ios objective-c uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar ios8
Change the height of NavigationBar and UIBarButtonItem elements inside it in Cocoa Touch

I suppose it's not strictly in line with Apple guidelines but I guess it must be possible somehow. I'd like …

cocoa-touch uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem
Embed a UIViewController in a NavigationController using segues

I have a viewController that is usually (most often) accessed by using a push segue. This viewController needs to be …

ios uinavigationcontroller uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue
UIPageViewController within NavigationController

I've read every tutorial I've found about UIPageViewController, but they show just basics, I'd like to create something like new …

ios7 uinavigationcontroller uipageviewcontroller
IOS new Facebook iPhone App UISplitViewController Layout

Possible Duplicate: SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone another break away .net developer here now trying to get used to …

iphone ios facebook uinavigationcontroller uisplitviewcontroller
Customize navigation bar by adding two labels instead of title in Swift

I am trying to add two labels in the place where the title is shown in navigation bar, but I …

ios swift uinavigationcontroller uilabel uinavigationitem
Custom navigation bar

I was crawling Dribble and found the attached design. I was wondering how to do a custom navigation bar like …

iphone ios user-interface uinavigationcontroller navigationcontroller
Swift - Title Not Appearing for Navigation View Controller

I have a navigation view controller that upon action sends a segue to a tab bar view controller. Because of …

ios xcode swift uinavigationcontroller xcode-storyboard
Setting the title of a navigation bar inside a tab bar controller

Well in my app I have a navigation controller with a table view, and when pressing a button a tab …

ios uinavigationcontroller uitabbarcontroller titlebar