Top "Uinavigationcontroller" questions

The UINavigationController class implements a specialized iOS view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content.

Load a UINavigationController as a subview from UIViewController

I am a newbi in iPhone development.I want to build an app which will have a UIViewController first , which …

iphone objective-c uiview uinavigationcontroller subview
Make a custom back button for UINavigationController

I'm developping an app for iOS 4.2+. I subclassed my UINavigationController to insert two UIImageView and make the navigation bar look …

ios uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem viewdidappear
Confirm back button on UINavigationController

I am using the storyboard for my app which is using UINavigationController. I would like to add a confirmation dialog …

ios uinavigationcontroller back-button
Restore pre-iOS7 UINavigationController pushViewController animation

So. Just started transitioning my IOS code to IOS7, and ran into a bit of problem. I've got a UINavigationController, …

objective-c animation uinavigationcontroller ios7 pushviewcontroller
Setting a property in a segue with Navigation Controller containing another view

I'm getting a crash when trying to set a property in my segue. It's a UIView passing a property to …

ios objective-c uinavigationcontroller segue
How to hide parent tabbar when pushing controller in navigationController

I have an application with a tab bar controller and each view contains a navigation controller. My MainWindow looks as …

ios swift iphone uinavigationcontroller uitabbarcontroller
iOS - pushViewController vs presentModalViewController difference

What is the difference beetween calling presentModalViewController and pushViewController, when : animation is set to NO (even if yes, that's just …

ios cocoa-touch uinavigationcontroller pushviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
InputAccessoryView docked at bottom

I'm trying to achieve similar positioning behavior as the bottom text input bar in Apple's Messages app. I have tried …

ios uinavigationcontroller uitoolbar uikeyboard uiresponder
How can we navigate back to previous view programmatically in iPhone?

I am working on iPhone application which based on navigation controller. for example there are 2 views here. A (UITableViewController) and …

iphone-sdk-3.0 uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar
Prevent the animation when clicking "Back" button in a navigation bar?

My application has a navigation controller and I don't want any animation in it : to prevent an animation when pushing …

iphone uinavigationcontroller back-button