Top "Uinavigationbar" questions

The UINavigationBar class implements a control for navigating hierarchical content in iOS.

UINavigationController and UINavigationBarDelegate.ShouldPopItem() with MonoTouch

How do I pop up an UIAlertView when the back button of a UINavigationBar (controlled by a UINavigationController) was tapped? …

uinavigationcontroller xamarin.ios uinavigationbar back-button
Resizing UINavigationBar on rotation

I have a subclass of UIViewController which handles a UIView. The viewcontroller is presented modally (it slides up from the …

iphone rotation uinavigationbar landscape autoresize
Unable To Hide Navigation Bar during AlertDialog/LoginDialog

I'm attempting to hide the navigation bar globally through my app running Android 4.2.2 I have managed to use the following (…

java android uinavigationbar android-alertdialog navigationbar
Draw custom Back button on iPhone Navigation Bar

I've got a UIView with a NavigationBar and I'd like to add a button which looks like the style of …

iphone objective-c uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar back-button
Hide navigation bar, but when I transition to the previous view (popped) it shows the old back button temporarily. Why?

I have view controllers in a navigation controller (root: RootViewController, second: ReadingViewController), but in the second view controller I want …

ios objective-c uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uistoryboardsegue
UINavigationBar change Tint color with animation

Is it possible to change the tint with animation for a smoother effect? This doesn't work for me: [UIView beginAnimations:…

iphone uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar tint tintcolor
creating button for popover view anchor at run time

This may not be possible, but I'm hoping someone will have an idea how to do it. I have an …

ios ipad uinavigationbar uipopovercontroller
Custom title view as large title in iOS 11 new navigation bar

I am using a button as a title view for my UITableViewController which opens a dropdown list of categories. Selecting …

ios uinavigationbar ios11 titleview
Changing the Color of Navigation Bar in Swift

I have a MKMap in my ViewController and I allow my users to switch map types between "Standard", "Hybrid", and "…

ios swift uinavigationbar tintcolor bartintcolor
vertically aligning UINavigationItems

I have customized the UINavigationBar's height to 100px and I'd like to add buttons onto this customized bar. All is …

objective-c ios uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uinavigationitem