The UINavigationBar class implements a control for navigating hierarchical content in iOS.
I have a custom titleView that I need to set the max width for. That would be the screen width …
ios uinavigationbar frame uinavigationitem titlebarIn my app, I got a UINavigationController. Unfortunately, when I rotate the device and the interface orientation changes, the UINavigationBar …
cocoa-touch uikit uiview uinavigationbar autoresizeI want to set white barTintColor in some viewcontroller I have set UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor for all default color but …
ios swift uinavigationbar appearance bartintcolorI am using this tutorial to implement a pull-to-refresh behavior with the RefreshControl. I am using a Navigation Bar. When …
swift xcode uitableview uinavigationbar uirefreshcontrolWhen I'm using a UIActivityViewController, after the user chooses an activity (such as Mail or Message), I can not change …
ios7 uinavigationbar uiactivityviewcontroller textcolor tintcolor"Now Playing" is in One line in UIBarButtonItem. I have to put it in two lines, like "Now" is ay …
xcode uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem navigationbarAS you can see in the image below, Twitter use different navigation bar color for each view-controller that is pushed. …
ios uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar custom-transitionI am having a weird problem with UINavigationBar's title in an app when interactivePopGestureRecognizer comes into play. I have made …
ios uinavigationbar interactivepopgestureI'm using the category to customize nav bar. My code is: - (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetFillColor(…
ios5 uinavigationbar customizingI would like to disable the navigation bar while adding a child view and enable it again once I remove …
ios ios7 uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar childviewcontroller