Top "Uilabel" questions

The UILabel class implements a read-only text view in iOS.

Change character spacing on UILabel within Interface Builder

Is there anyway to change the character spacing (track) on UILabel text using Interface Builder? If not, is there a …

ios swift uilabel interface-builder
How to find actual number of lines of UILabel?

How can I find the actual number of lines of a UILabel after I have initialized it with a text …

ios uilabel
How can you rotate text for UIButton and UILabel in Swift?

How can you rotate text for UIButton and UILabel? 90 degrees, 180 degrees. Note: Before you mark this as a duplicate, I …

ios swift uibutton rotation uilabel
How to set UILabel only width and height and constraints programmatically

I want to create a UILabel programmatically with height, width and then I want to add constraints to it also …

ios objective-c uilabel nslayoutconstraint
How to achieve UIButton / UILabel 'padding' in iPhone app

I've got various views in my iPhone application that require padding e.g a custom UIButton with text aligned left, …

iphone uiview uibutton uilabel padding
Format UILabel with bullet points?

Is it possible to format the text in a UILabel to show a bullet point? If so, How can I …

ios objective-c swift uilabel bullet
How to display html formatted text in ios label

I would like to display html formatted text on a UILabel in IOS. In Android, it has api like this .…

html ios swift uiwebview uilabel
UILineBreakModeWordWrap is deprecated

Here's my code: CGSize s = [string sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(self.view.bounds.size.width - 40, CGFLOAT_MAX) // - 40 …

uilabel deprecated
Pixel Width of the text in a UILabel

I need to draw a UILabel striked through. Therefore I subclassed UILabel and implemented it as follows: @implementation UIStrikedLabel - (…

iphone objective-c uilabel
How to check if UILabel is truncated?

I have a UILabel that can be varying lengths depending on whether or not my app is running in portrait …

ios objective-c iphone uilabel truncate