Top "Uilabel" questions

The UILabel class implements a read-only text view in iOS.

100% opacity UILabel over a 50% opacity background (UIView?)

So right now I have a UIView with a UILabel in it. I want the background to have an opacity &…

objective-c iphone user-interface uilabel
Adding underline to UILabel attributed string from the storyboard fails

From the storyboard I select the UILabel in question Then in Attribute Inspector > Label > [I choose] Attributed Also …

ios objective-c uilabel nsattributedstring
Convert NSMutableAttributedString to NSString

Can we not convert NSMutableAttributedString to NSString? I have two NSMutableAttributedStrings and I am appending the 2nd string onto 1st …

ios objective-c nsstring uilabel nsmutableattributedstring
Make part of a UILabel bold in Swift

I have a UILabel I've made programmatically as: var label = UILabel() I've then declared some styling for the label, including …

ios string swift uilabel nsrange
How to make an underlined text in UILabel?

How can I make an underlined text in UILabel? I had tried by making a UILabel with height 0.5f and …

ios cocoa-touch text uilabel underline
Animating UILabel Font Size Change

I am currently making an application that uses a custom View Controller container. Multiple views are on the screen at …

iphone ios animation uilabel
How to align UILabel text from bottom?

How the UILabel can be aligned from bottom. Let say, my label can hold three line of text.If the …

iphone ios alignment uilabel
How to update a UILabel in Xcode programmatically without XIB files?

I'm stuck :( In my application I require an update from CLLocationManager every time it gets an update to a new …

iphone xcode ios uilabel settext
Calculating multiline text height for UILabel/UITableViewCell: different results when calculating vs actual drawing

This general topic has been asked here multiple times: how to render UITableViewCells with varying amount of text and thus …

iphone uitableview uilabel
UINavigationBar multi-line title

Is there a straightforward way of overriding the titleView of the current navigation bar item in a navigation bar within …

uinavigationcontroller uilabel uinavigationbar title uinavigationitem