Top "Uilabel" questions

The UILabel class implements a read-only text view in iOS.

Add left/right horizontal padding to UILabel

I need to create a UILabel with a background color, and I'd like to add some left/right leading/trailing …

ios uilabel
Can not change UILabel text color

I want to change the UILabel text color but I can't change the color, This is how my code looks …

objective-c uilabel uicolor
UILabel - Wordwrap text

Is there any way to have a label wordwrap text as needed? I have the line breaks set to word …

ios iphone cocoa-touch uilabel word-wrap
iPhone UILabel text soft shadow

I know soft shadows are not supported by the UILabel out of the box, on the iPhone. So what would …

iphone objective-c iphone-sdk-3.0 uilabel shadow
Set UILabel line spacing

How can I modify the gap between lines (line spacing) in a multiline UILabel?

ios objective-c uilabel multiline line-spacing
How to make URL/Phone-clickable UILabel?

I want to create a clickable label on my app leading me to a Safari webpage. I also want the …

iphone objective-c url uilabel
UILabel with text of two different colors

I want to display a string like this in a UILabel: There are 5 results. Where the number 5 is red in …

ios objective-c swift uilabel textcolor
Animate text change in UILabel

I'm setting a new text value to a UILabel. Currently, the new text appears just fine. However, I'd like to …

ios objective-c ipad uilabel caanimation
Use multiple font colors in a single label

Is there a way to use two, or even three font colors in a single label in iOS? If the …

ios swift uilabel nsattributedstring textcolor
Calculating UILabel Text Size

I am drawing UILabels programmatically. They get their sizes from a database. So I cannot just use sizeToFit. I have …

ios objective-c uilabel frame