Top "Uicollectionview" questions

The UICollectionView class manages an ordered collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts.

UICollectionView & custom UICollectionReusableView not works

I'm trying to use custom UICollectionReusableView (which has own class and XIB) in my UICollectionView header. But after fetching data …

ios xib uicollectionview uicollectionreusableview
UICollectionView horizontal paging - can I use Flow Layout?

This is related to but distinct from To use Flow Layout, or to Customize?. Here is an illustration of what …

ios uikit uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout
Photos Framework. requestImageForAsset returning two results. Can't set image view

So I am using the SwipeView library ( to show images using the Photos framework for …

ios uiimageview uicollectionview photosframework
Unable to change background color on UICollectionView (iOS)

I'm writing my first iOS app and I seam to be having some problems in changing the backgroundColor of a …

ios uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout uibackgroundcolor
Subview frame is incorrect when creating UICollectionViewCell

The problem I created a UICollectionViewController with a custom UICollectionViewCell. The custom cell contains a large and rectangular UIView (named …

ios xcode swift uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell
Animating UIScrollView contentInset causes jump stutter

I implemeted a custom refresh control (my own class, not a subclass), and for some reason since moving to iOS 8, …

ios uiscrollview uicollectionview pull-to-refresh
How to add tap gesture to UICollectionView , while maintaining cell selection?

Task Add a single tap gesture to UICollectionView, do not get in the way of cell selection. I want some …

ios swift uicollectionview uigesturerecognizer uiresponder
UICollectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath not called when tapped on UITextView

I have a UICollectionView with custom cells- They have a UITextView that mostly covers the entire cell. This presents a …

ios ios7 uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell
Using Invalidation Contexts for UICollectionViewLayout

So I have implemented working sticky headers in my UICollectionView in part by returning YES from shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange:. However, this impacts …

ios cocoa-touch uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout
How do I display the standard checkmark on a UICollectionViewCell?

I'm designing an iOS app with a UICollectionView, and I'd like users to be able to select multiple items within …

ios cocoa-touch uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell