The UICollectionView class manages an ordered collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts.
I'm making use of UICollectionView and I need to scroll to first cell after click in a button. The button …
ios swift xcode6 uicollectionview uicollectionviewcellI have some data that is fetched in another thread that updates a UICollectionView's header. However, I've not found an …
ios6 uicollectionviewI'm trying to create a sticky supplementary header, which stays on top all the time and won't response to scrolling …
ios swift uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout tvosDoes anyone know why contentSize is not updated immediately after reloadData is called on UICollectionView? If you need to know …
ios uicollectionviewRunning my app in a device with iOS 10 I get this error: UICollectionView received layout attributes for a cell with …
ios uicollectionview ios10 uicollectionviewlayoutHow to create grid of square items (for example like in iOS Photo Library) with SwiftUI? I tried this approach …
ios uicollectionview swiftui ios13I am trying to create an effect where I change the layout of my UICollectionView while changing the frame size …
ios uicollectionview uiviewanimation uicollectionviewlayoutWhat's the role of registerClass:forCellWithReuseIdentifier: method? According to Apple's developer documentation it's supposed to "Register a class for use …
ios objective-c uicollectionview uicollectionviewcellHow can I check to see whether an indexPath is valid or not? I want to scroll to an indexPath, …
ios swift uicollectionview nsindexpathI have created a UICollectionViewCell by nib and added a button inside it and created a .h and .m files …
ios ipad uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell