The UICollectionView class manages an ordered collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts.
What's the difference between a UIHorizontalStackView and a Collection View(Also Vertical stackview)? Can't a collectionView be horizontal and vertical? …
swift user-interface uicollectionview ios9 uistackviewI have a UICollectionView with a custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout. It scrolls horizontally and only shows one item at a time (full …
iphone ios uicollectionview uiscrollviewdelegate uicollectionviewlayoutHow do you implement headers in a UICollectionView? I know you can put in supplementary views, but I don't know …
objective-c xcode header uicollectionview supplementaryI've seen fixes for some lagyness issues by setting the layer property of the view view.layer.shouldRasterize = YES; I …
ios uiview uicollectionview rasterizingIn UICollectionView, I want to give the whole section a uniform background color, instead of for a single cell or …
ios background-color uicollectionviewI have a UICollectionViewController that using a standard UICollectionViewFlowLayout to display a single vertical column of cells. I am attempting …
ios animation uicollectionview flowlayoutIntro I'm going to describe the effect I want to achieve, and then I'll give detail on how I'm currently …
ios uicollectionview pinchzoom uicollectionviewlayout uipinchgesturerecognizerI'm currently using a UICollectionView to display 3 images (each image spans the entire cell). I also have a UIPageControl that …
ios swift uicollectionview uipagecontrolI want to respond to double-taps on cells in a UICollectionView, and have a double-tap action cancel cell selection. This …
ios objective-c uicollectionview uikit uitapgesturerecognizerI'm trying to reimplement the infinitive scrolling UICollectionView seen here. Things that were missing for me: ViewController.h: @interface ViewController : …
ios objective-c interface-builder uicollectionview infinite-scroll