The UICollectionView class manages an ordered collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts.
Consider a UICollectionView with flow layout and horizontal direction. By default, cells are ordered from top to bottom, left to …
ios ios6 uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayoutI'm working on some ticker-like functionality and am using a UICollectionView. It was originally a scrollView, but we figure a …
ios animation uicollectionview contentoffsetI'm working on UICollectionView with custom layout. In two days I cannot understand how add header to UICollectionView. I've got …
ios swift uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayoutI'm trying to setup what should be a simple horizontal layout using UICollectionView, going around in circles without achieving the …
ios objective-c uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout horizontalscrollviewI've been trying to wrap my head around the reloadItemsAtIndexPaths method of UICollectionView. I have an array of objects called …
xcode pagination uicollectionview nsindexpathIn order to scroll up and down i need to call two methods for that I have used the below …
iphone ios uicollectionview uiscrollviewdelegateI am trying to design a custom UICollectionViewCell prototype (in Xcode 5.0.2), however Interface Builder doesn't let me add a cell …
xcode interface-builder uicollectionview nib uicollectionviewcellWhen iPhone X is used landscape, you're supposed to check safeAreaInsets to make suitably large gutters on the left and …
ios uicollectionview uikit ios11 iphone-xI have an iOS app that utilizes RestKit 0.20.1 to retrieve data from a Restful web service. I should also add …
ios core-data uicollectionview reloaddata restkit-0.20I keep getting 'Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints' exceptions (Xcode 5, iOS 7, both device and simulator), where one of the constraints …
ios uicollectionview autolayout nslayoutconstraint uicollectionviewlayout