Top "Typography" questions

Typography — in digital development — includes the creation, formatting, organization, arrangement, rendering, legibility, and readability of visual type on a device.

Typography in React Material-UI

I've this textbox: <Typography component="p" className={classes.text}> {} </Typography> I'd like …

reactjs material-ui typography
Font messes up alignment of numbers

I'm using the Raleway font, but this font doesn't align numbers properly with letters. You can see this in this …

html css fonts typography
JavaScript regex replace - but only part of matched string?

I have the following replace function myString.replace(/\s\w(?=\s)/,"$1\xA0"); The aim is to take single-letter words (e.…

javascript regex replace typography
How to import and use a custom font in a material-ui theme?

I'm trying to import and use the Yellowtail font (from Google Fonts) in my React app in a Material-UI theme. …

reactjs material-design material-ui typography font-family
Text highlighting (label effect) using CSS

I want to create a text style similar to a label. Looky here: I can nearly do it using just: …

css typography
Small Caps on TextViews, EditTexts, and Buttons in Android

Is there something I can do to make the text look in small caps/capital? As described here: http://en.…

android text typography
IE9 text rendering issue - tails on letters cut off

I'm running into an issue where - in IE9 standards mode - IE9 renders text in such a way that …

css fonts internet-explorer-9 typography
What's the ideal relationship between line-height, font-size, and paragraph margin?

For a long time I've noticed that adjusting line-height and adding some extra space between paragraphs both relative to the …

html typography css
How to print subscripts/superscripts on a CLI?

I'm writing a piece of code which deals with math variables and indices, and I'd need to print subscripts and …

c++ command-line typography subscript superscript
Line-height without units

I saw people using line height without specifying a unit, like this: line-height: 1.5; What does the number represents? I'm guessing …

line typography css