IE9 text rendering issue - tails on letters cut off

thynctank picture thynctank · May 17, 2011 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I'm running into an issue where - in IE9 standards mode - IE9 renders text in such a way that the tails on descending letters - "q, p, y" etc - disappear. Have tried playing with padding and other common CSS settings in helps of fixing this but am having no luck so far.

Who's got an idea what this might be?


Elad picture Elad · Oct 14, 2012

EDIT: I found this on a blog. The link isn't live anymore. Leaving it here just in case it pops up again.

Its as though the text is a node inside the input and the line-height has been set on that inner element, with the surrounding element clipping the overflowing text.

The solution is simple, set the line-height to be “1” (no-units)