Top "Typography" questions

Typography — in digital development — includes the creation, formatting, organization, arrangement, rendering, legibility, and readability of visual type on a device.

How to increment font size changes with jQuery?

Hi I want to change the font size of the page incrementally with jQuery how do I do that? Something …

jquery css typography
How to create small SPACES in HTML?

There is em dash and en dash. Is there an "en" equivalent to   ? Is there an en equivalent …

html layout typography
Force Non-Monospace Font into Fixed Width Using CSS

Is there any way to force a font to be monospaced using CSS? By this I mean, using a non-monospace …

css fonts typography
Can CSS override the bold style of an existing <b> bold tag?

I have a script that has a breadcrumb styled outside of my reach (core files), and I want to override …

html css typography
90 degrees rotated text, flush to page top-right with CSS

I know how to rotate text 90 degrees using CSS, but I'm trying to align the text to the top-right of …

html css rotation typography
What is the iOS 8 System Font?

What is the iOS 8 System Font? It looks like it's no longer Helvetica Neue and a search does not yield …

fonts ios8 font-face typography
Why does my font-face text look so bold?

Here is an image from the Photoshop design of the webpage: And the webpage with the same size, weight etc: …

css fonts font-face webfonts typography
Is there a way to make a variable width font act like a fixed width font in HTML?

Is there a way to make a variable width font act like a fixed width font in HTML? For example, …

html css typography
How is font size calculated?

I have a complex js function with an equation in which I actually need to understand how much space in …

css fonts font-size pixels typography
Responsive typography in Material-UI?

Designs commonly have smaller headline fonts for mobile designs. Does Material-UI have a mechanism for making the typography responsive? I …

reactjs responsive-design material-ui typography