Top "Tycho" questions

Tycho is a Maven extension for building Eclipse artifacts: Eclipse plug-ins/OSGI bundles, features, p2 repositories, and RCP applications/Eclipse distributions

"Unknown packaging: eclipse-plugin" in Maven

I want to build a project in Maven using eclipse-plugin packaging, but I get the following error for my POM: […

maven eclipse-plugin tycho
Dependencies from pom.xml not considered by Eclipse in Tycho Project

I created a Tycho project with an eclipse-plugin packaging. The project includes some dependencies that are specified via pom.xml. …

eclipse maven tycho
What is the difference between "mvn clean install" and "mvn clean verify install"?

I am using the Tycho plugin to compile an Eclipse plugin project. When I run the command mvn clean install …

java eclipse maven tycho
How do I make Jenkins, Sonar and the JaCoCo plugin work together for Eclipse Tycho Plugin Projects (or maybe Cobertura)?

my setup is: Jenkins 1.448 Sonar 2.13 Jenkins Sonar Plugin 1.72 a MySql database for Sonar I have the following project: Eclipse Plugin …

jenkins sonarqube cobertura tycho jacoco
How do I correctly use Nexus and Maven/Jenkins for a 3rd Party library (not in Maven Repository) and a necessary p2 repository

we use Jenkins/Maven for BuildManagement and Continuous Integration. Managing 3rd party libraries should be handled by the Nexus Server …

maven jenkins nexus p2 tycho
How can I use a local directory as target platform for a Tycho build?

I want to build an RCP-Application with a target platform which is a directory with Maven/Tycho. Now I have …

maven eclipse-rcp tycho
How to see m2e connectors installed?

I have installed Tycho m2e connector as described here: It was said …

eclipse maven installation m2e tycho
Build local eclipse plugins using tycho pointing to local p2 repository

I am creating some Eclipse plugin and features that require third-party plugins and features. In order to include these dependencies …

eclipse-plugin tycho
Cannot resolve Mockito dependency in a Tycho project

Possible Duplicate: How to reference mockito within tycho? I am trying to get a test feature project building with Tycho, …

maven-3 tycho
Tycho: Bundle X - Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7

I have changed the BREE from JavaSE-1.6 to JavaSE-1.7 in the manifest files of my application: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7 Now I …

maven eclipse-plugin eclipse-rcp tycho osgi-bundle