What is the difference between "mvn clean install" and "mvn clean verify install"?

T.D. Smith picture T.D. Smith · Apr 27, 2018 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

I am using the Tycho plugin to compile an Eclipse plugin project. When I run the command

mvn clean install my build passes

When I run the command

mvn clean verify install my build fails with the following:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:1.1.0:
p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) on project 
Execution default-p2-metadata-default of goal 
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:1.1.0:p2-metadata-default failed. 
IllegalArgumentException -> [Help 1]

The failure stacktrace is:

    at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.impl.publisher.P2GeneratorImpl.getCanonicalArtifact(P2GeneratorImpl.java:193)
    at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.impl.publisher.P2GeneratorImpl.generateMetadata(P2GeneratorImpl.java:146)
    at org.eclipse.tycho.plugins.p2.P2MetadataMojo.attachP2Metadata(P2MetadataMojo.java:149)
    at org.eclipse.tycho.plugins.p2.P2MetadataMojo.execute(P2MetadataMojo.java:108)
    at org.eclipse.tycho.plugins.p2.P2MetadataDefaultMojo.execute(P2MetadataDefaultMojo.java:33)
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(DefaultBuildPluginManager.java:134)
    ... 21 more

From everything I can find on Maven, invoking the install phase should implicitly trigger the verify phase. What's going on here?


sbouchet picture sbouchet · May 22, 2018

personally, i never use mvn install when using tycho, because it will install the bundles into your local repo, and since you're build eclipse bundles, you do not have to push them to your maven repo. back to your question, calling two phases in a single command is not necessary since the install phase should trigger the verify phase.

so use only mvn verify to build your product or only mvn install to achieve the exact same goal ( and have the built artifact pushed into your local repo )