Twig extension is about custom type defined about Twig template PHP engine.
The Intl extension is an extension for Twig that adds the localizeddate, localizednumber and localizedcurrency filters. How can I install …
php twig intl twig-extensionHow can I use an environment variable from the .env file in a custom Twig function (\Twig_SimpleFunction) in Symfony 4?
twig environment-variables symfony4 twig-extensionI am trying to use the bundle JMS Translation but I have this error. It is I guess because my …
symfony twig bundle composer-php twig-extensionIn Timber is this function {{post}} where you get things like {{post.post_title}} but there are other functions in …
php wordpress twig timber twig-extensionhow to get days diffrence from current day. tweetedAt: "2015-02-22 09:56:42". twig {% for key,value in data.about %} {% set tweets_…
php symfony twig twig-extensionSeems like the argument is not passed properly ... {% set items = { item: { 'id': '1', 'brand': 'client1', 'description': 'solutions.client1.…
php twig twig-extensionI encoded an url parameter with the twig filter url_encode. // app.request.query.get("date") output 01/04/2016 href="{{ path('page', {…
php symfony twig twig-extensionI want to add key and value into array in twig file. But I am facing following issue "Twig_Error_…
php symfony twig-extension