Top "Timber" questions

Timber is a WordPress plugin to develop themes using the Twig template language

WordPress Timber getting posts of a custom post type

I'm just digging into WordPress plus Timber and I came upon a problem that I can't resolve. I have created …

php wordpress twig timber
Get the current category slug in Wordpress / Timber

In my Single.php I'm trying to get the current posts category slug: $category = get_category(get_query_var('cat')); $…

php wordpress twig timber
Timber (Twig) how to call wordpress functions

In Timber is this function {{post}} where you get things like {{post.post_title}} but there are other functions in …

php wordpress twig timber twig-extension
Timber Twig and ACF Get image from custom field on taxonomy page

Just like the title, I'm trying to get an image from a custom field I attached to a taxonomy. I …
