Top "Trigonometry" questions

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between sides

Sine Table Interpolation

I want to put together a SDR system that tunes initially AM, later FM etc. The system I am planning …

signal-processing trigonometry interpolation radio nonlinear-functions
How can I draw a circle in a data array/map in python

I have an array that will be 100 * 100, I can access any point like map[x][y] It kinda will look …

python arrays draw trigonometry triangulation
c++ libstd compute sin and cos simultaneously

In C library math.h, there was a sincos function which was pretty efficient, because it computed both sine and …

c++ math libstdc++ trigonometry
How to create an "intercept missile" for a game?

I have a game I am working on that has homing missiles in it. At the moment they just turn …

physics trigonometry
how to extrude a path in 3d?

I'm trying to extrude a path in 3d. Nothing fancy yet, just following some points and using a regular polygon …

opengl 3d geometry processing trigonometry
n-gram sentence similarity with cosine similarity measurement

I have been working on a project about sentence similarity. I know it has been asked many times in SO, …

similarity trigonometry n-gram
Calculate new point offset based on angle of rotation?

I am working on an application for the past few weeks which involves some trigonometry and am currently stuck. As …

c# .net math trigonometry robotics
How to calculate the height and width of an isometric rectangle/square

I'm writing an isometric tile game. Each tile is twice as wide as it is tall (w:h = 2:1). All tiles …

math drawing trigonometry tiles isometric
Converting from a Euler ZXZ rotation, to fixed axis XYZ rotations

The problem i have, is that i need to convert from XYZ fixed axis rotations, to Euler rotations about Z, …

java math rotation trigonometry rotational-matrices