Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between sides
Im trying to find out the angle (in degrees) between two 2D vectors. I know I need to use trig …
algorithm language-agnostic math trigonometryI am trying to write a function that will randomly return an (x,y) co-ordinates around a given circumference so …
javascript math trigonometryI am not so familiar trigonometry, but I have only two points to rotate in 2D: *nx, ny . - . - . …
javascript rotation trigonometryI've got a mousemove cursor in my game which will make my object shoot towards my mouse cursor. I'd like …
javascript html html5-canvas trigonometryI'm currently having some problems regarding my homework. Here's the Exercise: (Plot the sine and cosine functions) Write a program …
java math graph pi trigonometryHey there guys, I'm learning processing.js, and I've come across a mathematical problem, which I can't seem to solve …
math geometry trigonometry processing.jsI have two lines: Line1 and Line2. Each line is defined by two points (P1L1(x1, y1), P2L1(…
c++ math trigonometry lines angleAssuming the upper left corner is (0,0) and I'm given an angle of 30 degrees, a starting point of (0,300), a line length …
c++ c math trigonometryI want to reverse a sin/cos operation to get back an angle, but I can't figure out what I …
math angle trigonometryAs you may be able to tell from this screenshot, I am trying to make a physics engine for a …
math 3d geometry trigonometry