Top "Touch" questions

Touch-based interfaces have unique considerations that do not apply to other modes of input, and vice versa.

Windows 10 - How do I test touch events without a touchscreen?

I need to test my Windows app using touch events but don't have a touch screen available.

windows visual-studio touch simulator
Android - Detect doubletap AND tripletap on view

I've been trying to build a tap detector that can detect both double and tripe tap. After my efforts failed …

android touch detect tap
Mobile Webkit reflow issue

I've been experiencing an issue in mobile versions of webkit (specifically Webkit 534.46 on iOS 5.1.1 as mobile Safari, and now Chrome …

css webkit touch css-position mobile-webkit
Cocos2d js touch events

I'm building an app in cocos2d-js, and I've got a problem with listening to keyboard events. I expect a …

javascript ios touch cocos2d-x cocos2d-js
LibGDX - Get Swipe Up or swipe right etc.?

touch area In the green area the user can swipe up, right, down, …

java android touch libgdx swipe
jQuery live() removing iPhone touch event attributes?

I am binding live events on links in my PhoneGap app. The event does fire successfully (confirmed by alert()ing), …

jquery iphone touch live
Hide the button and show again on touch

I am working on an application where I want to hide the button, or, say, make the button invisible when …

android touch hide visible invisible
`pointermove` event not working with touch. Why not?

I have this pen: If you try it on a touch-screen device (f.e. …

javascript html touch dom-events pointer-events
Angular ng-click function not called on touchscreen devices

I have a directive which contains an iScroll element, which is built with li from an ng-repeat: <div class="…

angularjs ipad touch angularjs-ng-click angularjs-ng-touch
iOS - detect when more than one finger is on the screen

I'm looking for the best way to detect more than one finger on the screen at time. I'm not detecting …

iphone ipad touch detection gesture-recognition