Top "Touch" questions

Touch-based interfaces have unique considerations that do not apply to other modes of input, and vice versa.

Long Touch on a surfaceView ( android )

I'm making a game on Android and I need to do certain actions when the users attempts a long press …

android multithreading touch long-press
Android SeekBar Touch Sensitivity

Recently I have been working on an app which has a SeekBar. The SeekBar is rather thin so it can …

android touch android-seekbar
Detect touch location on UIScrollView ?

I would like to detect the (initial) touch position in my UIScrollView when the user starts dragging. I have googled …

ios uiscrollview touch uigesturerecognizer uiresponder
Android ViewPager - adding slideshow with fade-in/out animation to switch between views

I use ViewPager to implement my own image gallery. The views consists of ImageViews. The user can normally navigate between …

java android touch slideshow android-viewpager
How to disable touch in fragment area

I am developing an app that have map and fragment. Map Contents is fragment in front of map. When i …

android android-fragments touch esri
IOS: correct number of touch on screen

In my app I need to catch the exact number of finger on the screen, I try two ways but …

ios xcode touch touchesbegan
Convert touch location of UITapGestureRecognizer for SpriteKit - Swift

I created a game with a SceneKit scene into a UIViewController. I implemented a UITapGestureRecognizer like this : // TAP GESTURE let …

ios swift touch scenekit uitapgesturerecognizer
Flick/swipe more than just images with jQTouch photo gallery extension

The jQTouch photo gallery extension (demo) is fantastic, but it only works for images (<img>s). I would …

jquery touch gallery jqtouch swipe
How to get UIView given a CGPoint?

I am trying to find a way to get a particular UIView given a CGPoint. Briefly, I want to do …

objective-c ios uiview touch hittest
Delegating Hammer.js events with jQuery

I have started using Hammer.js ( which is a great little script, but I'm …

jquery events touch hammer.js