A timestamp is the time at which an event is recorded by a computer system.
I want to set the session_id automatically using the request_time parameter so i opted for a mysql stored …
mysql timestamp procedures case-whenI'm in a dilemma about saving date and time values in MySQL's TIMESTAMP format vs in a custom UNSIGNED INT …
php mysql datetime timestamp unsigned-integerI'm trying to import data from a .csv file into a postgresql 9.2 database using the psql \COPY command (not the …
postgresql csv timestamp psql postgresql-9.2I am getting my data: date and time in UTC, in a csv file format in separate columns. Since I …
postgresql date time timestamp timestamp-with-timezoneI know that to convert a Unix timestamp in milliseconds to an SQL timestamp I can use SELECT TO_DATE(…
sql oracle timestamp unix-timestamp millisecondsI need to create a timestamp (in milliseconds) in Java that is guaranteed to be unique in that particular VM-instance. …
java concurrency timestamp epoch throttlingI want to perform a printf() to display when the currently executing code was last compiled. Does C/C++ provide …
c++ build timestamp versioningI'm trying to store in timestamp with timezone field my value. It is in milliseconds from 1970. select TO_CHAR(TO_…
postgresql timestamp unix-timestamp milliseconds bigint