Top "Timestamp" questions

A timestamp is the time at which an event is recorded by a computer system.

Convert ISO 8601 to unixtimestamp

How can I convert 2012-01-18T11:45:00+01:00 (ISO 8601) to 1326883500 (unixtimestamp) in PHP?

php date timestamp date-format time-format
UNIX timestamp always in GMT?

UNIX timestamp always in GMT? I tried to run php function time() and when I tried to convert the unix …

php unix timestamp gmt
convert XMLGregorianCalendar to java.sql.Timestamp

I'm trying to assign a XMLGregorianCalendar date to a java.sql.Timestamp var, like this... var1.setTimeStamp(Timestamp.valueOf(var2.…

java date timestamp gregorian-calendar
Using dates in jQuery Flot display

I'm trying to use Flot to plot a graph with dates. I've followed the advice on this string: here but …

jquery date timestamp flot
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND got CHAR

SELECT COALESCE ( (to_timestamp( '2014-09-22 16:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI:SS') - ('2014-09-22 09:00:00' ,'yyyy/…

oracle timestamp date-arithmetic
Splitting data using time-based splitting in test and train datasets

I know that train_test_split splits it randomly, but I need to know how to split it based on …

python scikit-learn timestamp train-test-split
PreparedStatement and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc

I am using PreparedStatement with Timestamp in where clause: PreparedStatement s=c.prepareStatement("select value,utctimestamp from t where utctimestamp&…

java oracle jdbc timestamp prepared-statement
PowerShell: Change the timestamp (Date created) of a folder or file

For PowerShell commands on Windows 10, I encounter a strange behaviour. To change a file's Date created, I use: Get-ChildItem C:\…

powershell timestamp datecreated
Cassandra cqlsh - how to show microseconds/milliseconds for timestamp columns?

I'm inserting into a Cassandra table with timestamp columns. The data I have comes with microsecond precision, so the time …

cassandra timestamp cql cqlsh
How can I make git log order based on author's timestamp?

I use a fairly complex git-log command involving --date-order to get an overview of my repository's status; but unfortunately, --date-order …

git sorting timestamp git-log