A timestamp is the time at which an event is recorded by a computer system.
I need to calculate the time passed between two dates. The catch here is that I need to show it …
java android time timestamp date-arithmeticI have a MySQL DB table with a column named "timestamp", a type of timestamp, and attribute of on update …
php mysql datetime timestamp formatdatetimeHow to round off the current timestamp in milliseconds to seconds? If this is the current timestamp in milliseconds I …
java c++ timestamp milliseconds secondsAs shown in the picture querying with exact timestamp(2013-08-01 15:02:56) is not returning any result though a row with …
timestamp cassandra cql3This is seriously killing me. I'm trying to convert a Unix timestamp (1236268800, which equates to Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:00:00 GMT) to a …
apache-flex actionscript-3 actionscript flex3 timestampUPDATE: I finally figured this out and would like to share the knowledge and save someone a bunch of time, …
python timestamp delay timing millisecondsI want to know what the current timestamp is. The best I can do thus far is define my own …
clojure timestamp unix-timestampI have a table in AWS Athena having column named 'servertime' with the data type of timestamp. I run a …
sql timestamp amazon-athena prestoI need to convert a date in Windows PowerShell to the ISO 8601 format. In Linux/Unix it was no problem …
windows powershell timestamp iso8601