Top "Texture-mapping" questions

Texture mapping is a method for adding detail, surface texture (a bitmap or raster image), or color to a computer-generated graphic or 3D model.

How to convert a 3D point on a plane to UV coordinates?

I have a 3d point, defined by [x0, y0, z0]. This point belongs to a plane, defined by [a, b, …

c# math 3d texture-mapping plane
correct glsl affine texture mapping

i'm trying to code correct 2D affine texture mapping in GLSL. Explanation: ...NONE of this images is correct for my …

math opengl glsl texture-mapping
How to use OpenGL LOD in Texturing?

How do GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD and LOD_BIAS work? To check it visually, i have …

opengl textures texture-mapping
How do I texture a cylinder in OpenGL created with triangle_strip?

Here's the cylinder I have created: void drawCylinder(float r, float g, float b) { setMaterialColors(r, g, b); glColor4f(…

c++ opengl opengl-es texture-mapping