Top "Textinputlayout" questions

How to change the hint size of TextInputLayout

This is my xml < style="@style/main_input_text" android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/activity_…

android xml hint android-textinputlayout textinputlayout
Android password visibility toggle not working with support library 25?

I have implemented a TextInputLayout with a password field in the usual way: < android:…

android passwords android-support-library textinputlayout
How to create TextInputLayout with OutlineBox programmatically

I want to create TextInputLayout with Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox style. I tried many ways but couldn't get the required …

android android-layout material-design android-styles textinputlayout
Android TextInputLayout hint overlaps EditText hint

I am facing a weird issue, I have a InputTextLayout and an EditText in it, and I am trying to …

android android-layout android-edittext android-textinputlayout textinputlayout
Error inflating class

when i change my library 23.0.1 to 23.3.0 then this error will occur and i have to change my library. so give …

android inflate-exception textinputlayout
Android TextInputLayout is not showing error

I am using EditText with TextInputLayout. This is the code, that I am using to display error. private boolean validateEmail() { …

android validation android-edittext textinputlayout
TextInputLayout Error right align

I've an EditText enclosed within a TextInputLayout. I wish to display errors under the EditText, but aligned to the right …

android layout textinputlayout