A tool from Hashicorp used for defining infrastructure as code.
Terraform can't find a resource which is declared in the same file where the reference is. It seems that this …
amazon-web-services terraform devops-services terraform-provider-aws hclHas anyone tried using all these tools together? I'm currently using nginx-proxy and docker-compose for a four-container solution. I'm now …
docker-compose terraform jwilder-nginx-proxyWhen creating an AWS Lambda Function with terraform 0.9.3, I'm failing to make it join my selected VPC. This is how …
amazon-web-services aws-lambda terraformI have an AWS Lambda deployed successfully with Terraform: resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda" { filename = "dist/subscriber-lambda.zip" function_name = "…
aws-lambda terraformI have a AWS CodePipeline configured in a terraform file, like this: resource { name = "Cool Pipeline" ... stage { name = "Source" ... action { …
amazon-web-services terraform aws-codepipelineWhen trying to figure out how to configure a aws_instance with AWS VPC the following errors occur: * Error launching …
amazon-web-services amazon-vpc vpc terraformI'm new to Terraform and trying to wrap my head around the use of output variables. we are on AKS, …
azure terraform terraform-provider-azureI have a list of users to create, a list of sns topics and to create policies to give permissions …
terraform terraform-provider-awsI am trying to create an AWS lambda Function using terraform. My terraform directory looks like terraform iam-policies main.tf …
amazon-web-services aws-lambda terraform terraform-provider-awsI am launching a aws_launch_configuration instance using terraform. I'm using a shell script for the user_data variable, …
amazon-web-services terraform