I have an AWS Lambda deployed successfully with Terraform:
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda" {
filename = "dist/subscriber-lambda.zip"
function_name = "test_get-code"
role = <my_role>
handler = "main.handler"
timeout = 14
reserved_concurrent_executions = 50
memory_size = 128
runtime = "python3.6"
tags = <my map of tags>
source_code_hash = "${base64sha256(file("../modules/lambda/lambda-code/main.py"))}"
kms_key_arn = <my_kms_arn>
vpc_config {
subnet_ids = <my_list_of_private_subnets>
security_group_ids = <my_list_of_security_groups>
environment {
variables = {
environment = "dev"
Now, when I run terraform plan
command it says my lambda resource needs to be updated because the source_code_hash
has changed, but I didn't update lambda Python codebase (which is versioned in a folder of the same repo):
~ module.app.module.lambda.aws_lambda_function.lambda
last_modified: "2018-10-05T07:10:35.323+0000" => <computed>
source_code_hash: "jd6U44lfe4124vR0VtyGiz45HFzDHCH7+yTBjvr400s=" => "JJIv/AQoPvpGIg01Ze/YRsteErqR0S6JsqKDNShz1w78"
I suppose it is because it compresses my Python sources each time and the source changes. How can I avoid that if there are no changes in the Python code? Is my hypothesis coherent if I didn't change the Python codebase (I mean, why then the hash changes)?
This is because you are hashing just main.py but uploading dist/subscriber-lambda.zip. Terraform compares the hash to the hash it calculates when the file is uploaded to lambda. Since the hashing is done on two different files, you end up with different hashes. Try running the hash on the exact same file that is being uploaded.