A tool from Hashicorp used for defining infrastructure as code.
In AWS API Gateway, I have a endpoint defined as /users/{userId}/someAction, and I'm trying to recreate this with …
amazon-web-services aws-api-gateway terraformI'm quite new to Terraform, though I have gone through all of the instructional modules available on Hashicorp's site. Currently, …
terraform terraform-provider-azureI have noticed that terraform will only run "file", "remote-exec" or "local-exec" on resources once. Once a resource is provisioned …
ansible terraform idempotentWhile using terraform to deploy a fairly large infrastructure in AWS, our remote tfstate got corrupted and was deleted. From …
amazon-web-services terraformI'm deploying web apps in Azure and I'd like to ignore changes to scm_type attribute within site_config block. …
terraform terraform-provider-azure terraform0.12+I have defined variable in my .tfvars variable as variables.tfvars address_space = [""] build-windows.tf variable "address_space" { type = list } …
terraform terraform-provider-azureI need to upload a folder to S3 Bucket. But when I apply for the first time. It just uploads. …
amazon-web-services amazon-s3 terraform terraform-provider-awsI'm refactoring some Terraform modules and am getting: Error: Provider configuration not present To work with module.my_module.some_…
terraform terraform-modulesI am running Terraform using Terragrunt so I am not actually certain about the path that the terraform is invoked …
terraform terragruntThe VPC I'm working on has 3 logical tiers: Web, App and DB. For each tier there is one subnet in …
amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 terraform availability-zone