Top "Vpc" questions

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is an on demand configurable pool of shared computing resources allocated within a public cloud environment, providing certain level of isolation between the different organizations (denoted as users hereafter) using the resources.

How to connect to outside world from amazon vpc?

I have amazon VPC set through wizard as "public only network", so all my instances are in public subnet. Instances …

amazon-ec2 amazon-web-services connectivity vpc amazon-vpc
Amazon ELB for EC2 instances in private subnet in VPC

I'm using Amazon EC2, and I want to put an internet-facing ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 amazon-elb amazon-vpc vpc
Why do we need private subnet in VPC?

There are 4 scenarios in AWS VPC configure. But let's look at these two: Scenario 1: 1 public subnet. Scenario 2: 1 public subnet and 1 …

amazon-web-services amazon-vpc vpc
Amazon ELB in VPC

We're using Amazon EC2, and we want to put an ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. If …

amazon-ec2 amazon-web-services vpc amazon-elb amazon-vpc
I can't delete my VPC

I want to delete one of my VPC but when i was trying to delete, this error appeared. We could …

amazon-web-services vpc
How to run the Microsoft Windows XP VHD, for testing with IE 6.0, with a valid/un-expired date?

I just downloaded the VHD for windows xp: …

internet-explorer virtual vhd vpc
Reference an existing AWS VPC Id in CloudFormation script when creating subnets

How do you reference the VPC Id of an existing VPC (which has been created before in a separate CloudFormation …

amazon-web-services subnet vpc
AWS NLB in public subnets with EC2 in private subnets

Has someone configured a NLB in the public subnets of your VPC to route traffic to EC2 instances that are …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 amazon-vpc vpc
How to use IPSec / Openswan with Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and EC2?

Does anyone know how to use Openswan to create an IPSec tunnel to a Cisco router on EC2? I keep …

amazon-ec2 amazon-web-services ipsec vpc amazon-vpc
On AWS EC2, I cannot do wget or curl, or any outbound connection

On a freshly installed EC2: The Security Group is default. "All Traffic" is ALLOWed for for both Inbound and Outbound. …

curl amazon-ec2 vpc aws-security-group